Developing my timeline for GrittyWorks, the new name for our accelerator. looking at different business model templates, liking the Business Model Canvas right now. Open for suggestions on how best to share and get feedback on the business development process thus far 🙂 Included as part of huge regional grant but won’t know if we’ve got some funding till August, bootstrapping it for now, and even though there’s lots of regional and local enthusiasm and confidence that the funding will be there, it ain’t there yet!! Good stuff happening, though, and keeping as optimistic as I can – getting to be part of the sweet documentary on stories of strong Appalachian women, “We Are Here Appalachia” (contribute to the Kickstarter campaign, it’s a Kickstarter “staff pick”!) On my way to San Francisco this week for the Global Innovation Summit to contribute to conversation on (in their words) “solving one of the overarching questions of our time: how do we intentionally grow innovation ecosystems in new places?” Hmmm, that’s what we aim to do in Asheville with the Grassroots Institute for Good (The GIG) to serve the land based economies of Appalachia and the world. Then to Boulder for the Unreasonable Climax 😉 part of the NC Entrepreneurship Summit in September and then back to SFO in October, thanks to Rosa Lee Harden, to help with the entrepreneur experience at SOCAP12 – i guess that sounds exhausting, but I’m Wide Awake!

We Are Here