Ecological Services & Markets, Inc
Ecological Services & Markets, Inc. is an environmental consulting firm that mixes research and management, working with private landowners, Federal agencies, and academic institutions to determine the best ways to establish tradable credit systems for natural resource assets. The team has a strong background in natural resource policy, environmental economics, both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and computer science. Services developed and provided by ESAM include: metrics for trading habitat at a landscape scale including climate change scenarios; landscape-scale population viability analysis; habitat suitability models, using soil, vegetation surveys, and remotely sensed data; estimation of dispersal behaviors of cryptic species using indirect methods such as genetics and inverse simulation modeling; evaluation and prioritization of species monitoring programs; workshops for public and private landowners; software for evaluating the ability of habitat trades to provide conservation value at a landscape scale; high-performance computer network for evaluating uncertainty in landscape-scale management decisions; and quantitative Adaptive Management approaches for managing habitat networks. Contact ESAM founder, Doug Bruggeman, via email: dougbrugg@gmail.com.
Farmer-Baker-Sausage Maker
Farmer-Baker-Sausage Maker is a company that seeks to energize the local economy by returning to foods crafted by hand. Their restaurant, Harvest Moon Grille, nourishes its patrons and the local economy by sourcing its ingredients from small scale farms within 100 miles. http://www.harvestmoongrille.com
Green River Picklers
Green River Picklers strives to produce the highest quality pickled vegetables using the simplest and most sustainable means. Locally sourced, consciously produced, and hand packed in small batches, Green River Picklers aims to pay tribute to our southern heritage by continuing family traditions & preserving local food, while continuously fostering growth in our community. www.grpicklers.com
Green River Picklers has a Kickstarter campaign under way right now. Click the image above to contribute!
GrowJourney is a seeds of the month club specializing in certified organic heirloom seeds. We make organic gardening simple for members across the United States and Canada. https://www.growjourney.com
River Island Apothecary
River Island Apothecary is a product line of all-botanical perfume and skin care designed and produced in thoughtful batches by Katie Vie. http://www.katievie.com/
Smiling Hara Tempeh
Smiling Hara Tempeh is the only company offering soy-free tempeh on the market today. Over consumption of processed soy in the vegan/vegetarian populations is causing health issues, and consumers are looking to companies like Smiling Hara to offer nutrient dense, high quality plant-based protein. http://www.smilingharatempeh.com/
The Underdog Crew
“The Underdog Crew” is a Hip Hop toy and game that promotes the ultimate positivity. These figurines are the next “little green army men,” only these warriors do not carry weapons. They dance! They have no particular nationality, nor are they gender specific. They can be imagined to be anyone from anywhere. These toys are tokens, or symbols, of all things good and possible. Everything that you believe to be good, everything that you believe to be possible – so do they! The toys are functional, and players can battle one another in a game of skill. Players are also challenged by the question, “How many ways can you play?” Players are welcomed to create their own rules and games, customize their figures, and to imagine a better world for us all. Do you care to play? Contact Joseph Adams at bboyeducator@gmail.com
The 2015 Accelerating Appalachia nature-based businesses will be presenting at the Pitch Party in Asheville on May 14th. We are so proud of this incredible group of graduates in food, farming, eco-services, seeds, botanical essences, natural building and games! Our keynote is the fabulous Judy Wicks, thought leader in growing good economies, co-founder of Be A Localist Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE) and reading from her book, “Good Morning Beautiful Business”. Emcees for the evening, from Our Southern Community, are the lovely Michelle Smith and the handsome Ned Doyle! Join us for a meaningful and fun-filled evening with yummy local appetizers and cash bar. Tickets available now.