Our social change collective, www.prosperitycollective.net was just accepted into the GroAction network. Here’s the fun acceptance letter from Luke at www.groaction.com
Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to the GroAction Network of Changemakers February Class.
Why did we choose you exactly? A lot had to do with your killer smile of course… but even more than that we look at how well you filled out your shareable assets.
The reason we care so much about what you have to offer is that this network thrives with people like you who want to share resources and help other members make an impact in the world.
Now that you’re in the network… get excited! You’re part of an elite group of social entrepreneurs and change agents that are taking action.
What’s next?
You’ll receive an email from me every week or so with a list of needs that you can help fill.
You’ll also receive emails from me when we have found matches to fill your needs and help you make an impact!
How do I get the GroAction Member Badge that I keep seeing on members’ websites?
Write your name on a $100 dollar bill and send it to 2343 NW Glis…. Just kidding!
Email our account specialist Anna Flores (anna@groaction.com) and she can get you flying the GroAction colors in no time.
If you have any questions, comments, funny stories, or bad jokes… you know where to find me.